
Sarah Ward
Bethesda Chevy Chase
Class of 2015 (Update)
1600m Run04/21/2015Whitman at B-CC05:48.65
1600m Run04/28/2015B-CC, WJ, RM at WC05:48.9016
1600m Run03/24/2015RM, Wootton at BCC05:55.58
1600m Run05/10/2014Montgomery County B06:00.8917
1600m Run04/09/2014RM, B-CC at WJ06:06.7814
1600m Run05/01/2014Whitman, B-CC at Churchill06:06.809
1600m Run04/15/2015B-CC at Walter Johnson06:06.848
1600m Run04/02/2014Wootton at B-CC06:22.111
3 Mile XC10/04/2012Coyote XC Invitational23:4036
3200m Run05/02/2015Katie Jenkins Invitational12:35.9412
400m Dash05/12/2012MCPS B Meet76.628
400m Dash04/17/2012B-CC at Wootton77.2813
400m Dash03/27/2012B-CC at Walter Johnson77.55
400m Dash03/21/2012Churchill, Gaithersburg at B-CC78.123
400m Dash04/11/2012B-CC at Whitman79.2312
5000m XC09/20/2014Adidas XC Challenge20:59.712
5000m XC09/27/2014DC XC Invitational21:0938
5000m XC10/11/2014Glory Days Invitational21:1112
5000m XC11/29/2014NXN Southeast Regional21:41.846
5000m XC10/07/2014B-CC at Poolesville21:5413
5000m XC09/10/2014Whitman at B-CC21:56.816
5000m XC10/18/2014Montgomery Co. Championship21:59.6777
5000m XC10/19/2013Montgomery Co. Championship22:1114
5000m XC09/16/2014B-CC, RM at WJ22:27.5824
5000m XC09/26/2013Quince Orchard at B-CC22:28.5821
5000m XC11/22/2014Battle of the Potomac22:358
5000m XC09/24/2013Sherwood at B-CC22:39.8716
5000m XC10/09/2013WJ, B-CC at Wootton22:57.682
5000m XC09/23/2014Woot, B-CC, HA at Landon22:59.179
5000m XC10/01/2013Coyote Run 23:3017
5000m XC10/20/2012Montgomery Co. Championship23:30.6842
5000m XC09/18/2013B-CC at Albert Einstein24:00.0024
5000m XC09/22/2012Oatlands Invitational24:48152
5000m XC09/19/2012B-CC and QO at Sherwood26:2749
800m Run04/21/2015Whitman at B-CC02:40.72
800m Run05/02/2015Katie Jenkins Invitational02:41.8318
800m Run04/15/2015B-CC at Walter Johnson02:42.204
800m Run03/24/2015RM, Wootton at BCC02:42.67
800m Run05/01/2014Whitman, B-CC at Churchill02:50.5012
800m Run05/10/2014Montgomery County B02:50.6424
800m Run04/28/2015B-CC, WJ, RM at WC02:50.8027
800m Run04/02/2014Wootton at B-CC02:52.116
800m Run04/09/2014RM, B-CC at WJ02:54.4414
800m Run05/12/2012MCPS B Meet02:56.733
800m Run04/17/2012B-CC at Wootton03:10.0035
800m Run04/11/2012B-CC at Whitman03:10.4118
800m Run03/21/2012Churchill, Gaithersburg at B-CC03:11.241
800m Run03/27/2012B-CC at Walter Johnson03:15.820
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
11/20/2018NXR Girls Ten Year Summary

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