
Albert Einstein Inactive Athlete Roster

Athletes are moved to this page if:

a.) The athlete has been inactive for over a year based on Mocorunning's performance database
b.) A credible person notifies Mocorunning that the athlete is no longer with Albert Einstein

For the athletes listed below that do not have a graduation year next to their name, please go into that athlete's page and submit the correct graduation year. Athletes will be moved to the Albert Einstein alumni page when their graduation date comes to pass. Athletes without graduation years will remain on this page indefinitely.

Inactive Boys
Mark Achacoso
Luis Amador
Kevin Brown
Wes Castellanos
Mikey Cordova
Beyviel David
Ronny Hernandez
Kid Kidane
Jason Mejia
Jake O'Neil
Kelvin Santos
Preston Southerland
Inactive Girls
Georgia Broitman
Brandi Colbert
Max Gandy
Ramanan Munirah
Esosa Ogbebor
Kamilah Samuels
Selome Seyoum
Jennifer Ventura

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