
Thomas S. Wootton Inactive Athlete Roster

Athletes are moved to this page if:

a.) The athlete has been inactive for over a year based on Mocorunning's performance database
b.) A credible person notifies Mocorunning that the athlete is no longer with Thomas S. Wootton

For the athletes listed below that do not have a graduation year next to their name, please go into that athlete's page and submit the correct graduation year. Athletes will be moved to the Thomas S. Wootton alumni page when their graduation date comes to pass. Athletes without graduation years will remain on this page indefinitely.

Inactive Boys
Fareed Abedini
Javier Arana
James Barberis
Sam Bashiri
Steve Bragale
Lee Chapon
Dennis Child
Mark Choy
Vijay Dey
Ryan Ford
Gregory Garcia
Simon Glueck
Bennett Greenspun
Ryan Grigorian
Colin Hulney
Nicholas Huynh
Sandeep Korapati
Raymon Kosskry
Robbin Kyle
Marshall Lawrence
Matt Levin
Michael Li
Kevin Liang
Brian Lieberman
Willy Liu
John Metango
Francis Meyer
Kirill Meyerovich
Farzad Mustafa
Alan Nguyen
Johnathan Noulowe
Tejas Patwardhan
Jay Raichura
Max Seigel
Ethan Shi
William Simonds
Jeffrey Stoker
Albert Tang
Anengyu Tsu
Petr Tsypnyatev
Mehrzad Von Glegon
Tyler Wellman
Zalman Wong
Edward Xiao
Ben Yi
Cheu Yin-Yu
David Zbarsky
Washington Zhao
Aaron Zheng
Inactive Girls
Hilary Baruch
Grace Bennett
Karie Cheng
Maia Chibber
Ellana Cowen
Ashley Dasuki
Delyar Delavary
Kavita Dhallan
Margarita Drozderski
Margarita Drozdetski
Ava Ehrlich
Abigail Feitel
Emma Fischer
Rachel Gross
Spohie Jacobs
Sae Ra Jang
Shelby Jensen
Michelle Kelman
Erica Levine
Yahly Levy
Zhenrong Li
Alyssa Lyon
Kayla Mahgoub
Hannah Mirza
Jennifer Mondle
Shandee Navrova
Maggie Priem
Rosa Pyo
Phoebe Qiu
Valeria Quiroz
Rathna Ramesh
Gabrie Rodriguez
Tamie Sargent
Lea Shand
Kara Shedrick
Ashley Slud
Emma Sophia Wool
Amritha Sridhar
Melissa Tone
Lyndie Troxell
Tatiana Tsytareva
Celeste Velasquez
Lauren Yi
Rachel Young
Manahel Zahid
Haley Zehrung
Amy Zheng

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