
Championship Season Predictions Competition 2006

Results: Jeffrey Perlis won the first two predictions competitions by correctly picking 19 county champs and 29 region champs. MoCoRunning staff member Ron Burgundy jumped into the predictions competition for states and grabbed the victory by correctly picking 24 of the 36 4A state champs. The overall winner of the predictions competition challenge was Jeffrey Perlis who correctly picked 69 of the 108 county, regional, and state champions.

Premise: Correctly predict as many top individual finishers as possible for the outdoor Montgomery County Championship Meet, any Regional Meet of your choice, and the Maryland State Championship Meet (any classification of your choice).

Scoring: 1 point will be awarded for each correct pick. As a tie breaker, please indicate the final point total for the winning boys team (it is not necessary to pick the winning team).

Your Predictions: Copy the following form. Select one individual or relay team to win each event. If you cannot entirley fill out the form, your predictions will still count.

b 100m:
g 100m:
b 200m:
g 200m:
b 400m:
g 400m:
b 800m:
g 800m:
b 1600m:
g 1600m:
b 3200m:
g 3200m:
b 110mh:
g 100mh:
b 300mh:
g 300mh:
b 4x100:
g 4x100:
b 4x200:
g 4x200:
b 4x400:
g 4x400:
b 4x800:
g 4x800:
b HJ:
g HJ:
b LJ:
g LJ:
b TJ:
g TJ:
b SP:
g SP:
b DT:
g DT:
b PV:
g PV:

Submissions: Email your predictions to us at with the subject line "County Predictions". You can also send your predictions to kpmilsted via personal message in the forum. Please include a name for the crown leaderboard incase you win. All of your personal information will remain private.

Submission Deadline: All submissions must be recieved before the meet starts.

Prizes: The winner at the end of each week will receive 1 crown, 2nd place will receive 1/2 crown, and 3rd place will receive 1/4 crown. At the end of all three weeks, the participants with the most correct picks for all three weeks combined will receive an additional 1, 1/2, and 1/4 crown.

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