
This page displays all MPSSAA XC state champions from Montgomery County from 2000 to 2019.
2000 to 2019 is the period for which Mocorunning has a complete performance database.
Mocorunning separately maintains a list of all-time MPSSAA XC State Champions

Individual State Champions from Montgomery County
Click Headers to Sort Alphanumerically
Abigail GreenWalter JohnsonXC 20174A State5000m XC
Adam NakasakaBethesda Chevy ChaseXC 20174A State5000m XC
Addie TousleyBethesda Chevy ChaseXC 20083A State5000m XC
Andrew PalmerWalt WhitmanXC 20074A State3 Mile XC
Andrew PalmerWalt WhitmanXC 20094A State3 Mile XC
Anna BosseWalter JohnsonXC 20084A State5000m XC
Anna RybaWalt WhitmanXC 20104A State5000m XC
Ashley St. DenisWalter JohnsonXC 20023A State3 Mile XC
Ashley St. DenisWalter JohnsonXC 20013A State3 Mile XC
Beth CatherwoodBethesda Chevy ChaseXC 20022A State3 Mile XC
Caroline BeakesBethesda Chevy ChaseXC 20124A State5000m XC
Caroline GuiotWalt WhitmanXC 20114A State3 Mile XC
Chase WeaverlingPoolesvilleXC 20132A State5000m XC
Chris BowieBethesda Chevy ChaseXC 20063A State3 Mile XC
Chris MillerNorthwestXC 20104A State5000m XC
Evan WoodsWalt WhitmanXC 20144A State3 Mile XC
Halsey SinclairMontgomery BlairXC 20044A State3 Mile XC
Jenna GoldbergWalter JohnsonXC 20194A State3 Mile XC
Jessie RubinThomas S. WoottonXC 20094A State3 Mile XC
Karen PulliamQuince OrchardXC 20004A State3 Mile XC
Karen PulliamQuince OrchardXC 20014A State3 Mile XC
Marcus HershbergerGaithersburgXC 19994A State3 Mile XC
Marcus HershbergerGaithersburgXC 20004A State3 Mile XC
Nora McUmberBethesda Chevy ChaseXC 20144A State3 Mile XC
Obsaa FedaNorthwoodXC 20184A State3 Mile XC
Ricky FlynnDamascusXC 20034A State3 Mile XC
Rohann AsfawRichard MontgomeryXC 20164A State3 Mile XC
Ryan LockettPoolesvilleXC 20172A State5000m XC
Ryan LockettPoolesvilleXC 20163A State3 Mile XC
Scott SheehanWalter JohnsonXC 20114A State5000m XC
Solomon HaileSherwoodXC 20084A State5000m XC
Will BertrandClarksburgXC 20124A State5000m XC
Zach VaslowBethesda Chevy ChaseXC 20022A State3 Mile XC

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