
Derrick Carr
St. Andrew's Episcopal School
Class of 2013 (Update)
5000m XC10/27/2012IAC/MAC/ISL Championship19:5813
5000m XC11/10/2012MD-DC Private School Championships20:272
5000m XC11/12/2011MD-DC Private School Champs22:2121
5000m XC09/25/2012Bullis Meet24:08.4541
5000m XC10/15/2011Georgetown Prep XC Classic25:00.5119
5000m XC10/29/2011IAC, ISL, MAC Championship25:4648
Discus04/02/2012Bullis Meet064-087
Discus05/12/2012ISL/MAC Championship072-0816
Shot Put01/21/2011ISL Open32-01.005
Shot Put01/14/2011Maroon and Black Relays32-06.009
Shot Put02/22/2011IAC Invitational Tournament32-10.006
Shot Put01/21/2011ISL Open33-02.505
Shot Put04/02/2012Bullis Meet33-06.003
Shot Put02/02/2013Private School Invitational35-04.0010
Shot Put01/18/2013Maroon and Black Relays35-08.502
Shot Put05/12/2012ISL/MAC Championship36-01.503
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
04/25/1979Recount Shows Blair, Peary Tie at Woodward

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