
Girls Cross Country MD Independent JV Team Titles
Sorted by Season Newest to Oldest
Holy CrossGirlsXC 2022MD Independent JV
Stone RidgeGirlsXC 2021MD Independent JV

This page displays Girls Cross Country MD Independent JV team champions through 2019, if applicable.
Team titles are only shown for Montgomery County schools and select private school conferences.
Some older regions/conferences/classifications may have changed names.
The terms 'region' and 'district' are used interchangeably; however, if the classification changed names, even if there is some equivalency, team titles are listed separately. For example, Maryland Class 4A is equivalent to the former Maryland Class AA, but these team titles are listed as different classifications. The old WMAC was very similar to the WCAC, but these team titles are listed as different conferences.
Some older results may be missing. Email to fill in missing results.

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