
Walt Whitman Inactive Athlete Roster

Athletes are moved to this page if:

a.) The athlete has been inactive for over a year based on Mocorunning's performance database
b.) A credible person notifies Mocorunning that the athlete is no longer with Walt Whitman

For the athletes listed below that do not have a graduation year next to their name, please go into that athlete's page and submit the correct graduation year. Athletes will be moved to the Walt Whitman alumni page when their graduation date comes to pass. Athletes without graduation years will remain on this page indefinitely.

Inactive Boys
Jacob Bartolomei
Michael Battaile
Adam Brezinski
Charles Dylan-Reilu
Nathan Epstein
Alex Freeman
Dylan Furst
Harry Fytilis
Mike Gallagher
Andres Garcia
Chris Kaler
Kibeom Kim
Will Koenig
Jessie Lazarus
Mike Lyon
Zack Morton
Alex Pinto
Peter Weatherer
Josh Yaran
Inactive Girls
Emery Dahl
Emma Engels
M Frayne-Reixa
Cynthia Hann
Micha Hinga
Sabrina Hug
Sam Jones
Izzy Kammemer
Sloane Lichtman
Ayzhan Murphy
Christy Rono
Sonia Sherlekar
Andrea Silverman
Mary Skilling
Hannah Wolstein

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