
Flint Hill Inactive Athlete Roster

Athletes are moved to this page if:

a.) The athlete has been inactive for over a year based on Mocorunning's performance database
b.) A credible person notifies Mocorunning that the athlete is no longer with Flint Hill

For the athletes listed below that do not have a graduation year next to their name, please go into that athlete's page and submit the correct graduation year. Athletes will be moved to the Flint Hill alumni page when their graduation date comes to pass. Athletes without graduation years will remain on this page indefinitely.

Inactive Boys
Alex Abraham
Atif Alam
Zaman Alidina
Alex Arey
Thomas Aubuchon
JJ Becker
Amar Bhatia
Cameron Blackwell
William Breen
Danilo Chestnut
Michael Cole
Darron Coley
Will Davidson
Colbey Davis
Matt Davisson
Mike Davisson
Alex Erickson
Zane Grey
Robert Griffiths
Eric Hardin
Jonny Howard
Ali Jalaie
Luke Kohli
Skyler Leonard
Christian Lessard
Brody McCloud
Zain Naghmi
Alex Ohmes
Jay Patel
Jacob Seo
Christoph Simpson
Raynal Singh
Ali Talaksi
Michael Tawney
Ben Thomas
Jimmy Wong
Sam Zatz
Wilson Zavala
Inactive Girls
Elizabeth Anderson
Caira Blackwell
Caroline Burr
Libby Cohen
Kaitlin Corsi
Diana Cox
Katie Dunn
Reagan Fox
Jessica Gandy
Charlotte Garrett
Mary Elizabeth Herndon
Katie Holman
Cande Kechkian
Laura McIntosh
Akua Nyarko Odoom
Alexus Orr
Shea Patrick
Camille Reiber
Anisha Sharma
Sydney Stiffler
Gabrielle Turner
Angelica Young

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