
Early Bird Invitational
Episcopal Early Bird History
Hosted By: Episcopal
Alexandria, Virginia
Friday, December 11, 2015

Results from
Licensed to ISL/MAC Track Championship
                                      HY-TEK's Meet Manager 12/12/2015 12:16 PM
                Episcopal Early Bird Invitational - 12/11/2015                 
                     Episcopal High School- CathcartTrack                      
Event 1  Boys Shot Put
 4 Throws Each
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Bennett, Jabari              Gonzaga               49-06.50  
  2 Vilain, Luiji                Episcopal             44-07.50  
  3 Hamm, Jake                   Episcopal             42-10.00  
  4 Fournier, Chris              Episcopal             39-02.00  
  5 Cochrane, Hayes              Episcopal             37-08.00  
  6 Lewis, Lennon                Potomac               36-11.00  
  7 Obiorah, Solu                Gonzaga               32-06.50  
  8 Buchwald, Aaron              Potomac               31-09.50  
  9 Shalloway, George            Landon                31-01.00  
 10 Shalloway, Eric              Landon                30-10.50  
 11 Cronic, Henry                Potomac               30-07.00  
 12 Atwood, Abe                  George. Day           25-09.00  
 13 Malcom, Ethan                Mercersburg           25-07.50  
 14 Werhan, Zack                 Landon                24-05.00  
 15 Blank, Zach                  George. Day           20-03.50  
Event 2  Girls Shot Put
 4 Throws Each
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Asante, Akua                 Episcopal             29-10.00  
  2 Oyibo, Zibah                 Episcopal             28-06.00  
  3 Matin, Aaliyah               Potomac               28-05.50  
  4 Nesbitt, Malayna             George. Day           24-09.50  
  5 Beverly, Mia                 Visitation            24-09.00  
  6 Tomdio, Larisa               Visitation            23-11.00  
  7 Bates, Corinne               Visitation            22-11.00  
  8 Hipolito, Marel              Paul VI               22-09.00  
  9 Lane, Ellie                  Paul VI               19-07.50  
 10 Gawlik, Nevie                Mercersburg           18-09.00  
 11 Moore, Tessa                 Sssas                 18-00.00  
 12 Malley, Helen                Potomac               15-09.50  
Event 3  Boys Long Jump
 4 Jumps   OPEN PIT  4:00 - 4:45
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Kisailus, Cameron            Gonzaga               19-02.50  
  2 Walker, Jordan               Sssas                 19-01.00  
  3 Artz, Jake                   Mercersburg           17-04.25  
  4 Fronda, Matt                 Gonzaga               16-07.75  
  5 DeGrange, Alex               Mercersburg           16-02.75  
  6 Johnson, Myles               Sssas                 15-09.25  
  7 Sprague, Patrick             Mercersburg           13-08.50  
Event 4  Girls Long Jump
 4 Jumps  OPEN PIT  5:00 - 5:45
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Eder, Grace                  Visitation            14-02.50  
  2 Peace, Bria                  Potomac               14-00.00  
  3 McKenzie, Allison            Visitation            12-11.00  
  4 Jones, Kristen               Paul VI               12-00.50  
  5 Collette, Camryn             Sssas                 11-09.50  
  6 Peartree, Annie              Sidwell               11-06.00  
  7 Carnazza, Italia             Paul VI               11-03.00  
  8 Serrano, Gabby               Visitation            11-01.00  
  9 Magazine, Alyssa             Mercersburg           10-04.00  
 10 Suchankova, Veronika         Mercersburg            9-07.75  
 11 Rios Camarena Suarez, An     Mercersburg            9-06.50  
Event 5  Girls High Jump
 Opening Height 3'4"
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Atkins, Adrienne             Sssas                  4-04.00  
  2 Serrano, Gabby               Visitation             4-02.00  
  2 Eder, Grace                  Visitation             4-02.00  
  2 Tijani, Laila                Mercersburg            4-02.00  
  5 Dix, Lara                    Mercersburg            4-00.00  
  5 McKenzie, Allison            Visitation             4-00.00  
Event 6  Boys High Jump
 Opening Height 4'10"
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Sims, Roderick               Episcopal              6-02.00  
  2 Ward, Ian                    George. Day            5-06.00  
  3 Kisailus, Cameron            Gonzaga                5-02.00  
  4 Kuye, Suky                   Mercersburg            5-00.00  
 -- Dragacevac, Nikola           Landon                      NH  
 -- DeGrange, Alex               Mercersburg                 NH  
Event 7  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 St Stephens and St Agnes  'A'                      10:25.87  
  2 Potomac School  'A'                                10:51.32  
  3 Georgetown Visitation  'A'                         11:01.86  
  4 St Stephens and St Agnes  'B'                      11:21.34  
  5 The Mercersburg  'A'                               11:25.04  
  6 Episcopal  'A'                                     11:28.44  
  7 Georgetown Day  'A'                                11:42.88  
  8 Episcopal  'B'                                     11:49.20  
Event 8  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Gonzaga  'A'                                        8:22.02  
  2 Episcopal  'A'                                      8:43.06  
  3 Paul VI  'A'                                        8:45.42  
  4 The Mercersburg  'A'                                9:04.05  
  5 Georgetown Day  'A'                                 9:10.84  
  6 Landon  'A'                                         9:21.43  
  7 Episcopal  'B'                                     10:19.49  
Event 9  Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
 30' Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Peartree, Annie              Sidwell                  10.34  
  2 Coulter, Christie            Sssas                    10.97  
  3 Chelena, Lauren              Paul VI                  11.11  
  4 Coan, Olivia                 Paul VI                  11.52  
  5 Whitfield, Gloria            Paul VI                  11.67  
  6 Brown, Reagan                Sssas                    12.37  
Event 10  Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Healy, William               Gonzaga                   8.05   2 
  2 Sims, Roderick               Episcopal                 8.96   2 
  3 Barron, Tyler                Gonzaga                   8.99   1 
  4 Dela, Adedze                 Gonzaga                   9.28   2 
  5 Gonson, Sam                  Gonzaga                   9.40   2 
  6 Zhang, Miles                 Sidwell                   9.95   1 
Event 11  Girls 55 Meter Dash
Top 6 Advance by Time
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Stewart, Finley              Mercersburg               7.55q  3 
  2 Dyson, Annie                 Sssas                     7.70q  3 
  3 Oyibo, Zibah                 Episcopal                 7.73q  3 
  4 Murray, Meghan               Visitation                7.86q  1 
  5 Serrano, Gabby               Visitation                7.88q  2 
  6 Cunningham, Catherine        Paul VI                   7.93q  1 
  7 McNary, Maria                Paul VI                   7.94   3 
  7 Jackson, Bijee               Episcopal                 7.94   2 
  9 Sweet, Caroline              Sssas                     7.95   2 
 10 Chapman, Nicole              George. Day               8.01   1 
 11 Igyan, Esi                   Episcopal                 8.10   1 
 12 Brown, Reagan                Sssas                     8.14   2 
 13 Kocis, Julia                 Paul VI                   8.23   3 
 14 Bates, Corinne               Visitation                8.47   2 
 15 Ursini, Andreana             Mercersburg               8.61   1 
 16 Magazine, Alyssa             Mercersburg               9.06   1 
Event 11  Girls 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Stewart, Finley              Mercersburg               7.65  
  2 Oyibo, Zibah                 Episcopal                 7.70  
  3 Dyson, Annie                 Sssas                     7.71  
  4 Cunningham, Catherine        Paul VI                   7.83  
  5 Murray, Meghan               Visitation                7.87  
  6 Serrano, Gabby               Visitation                7.89  
Event 12  Boys 55 Meter Dash
Top 6 Advance by Time
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Lobe, Justin                 Sidwell                   6.63q  3 
  2 Collie, Alex                 Episcopal                 6.77q  3 
  3 Jackson, Nick                George. Day               6.80q  4 
  4 Healy, William               Gonzaga                   6.83q  2 
  5 Ikekhua, Jude                Mercersburg               6.86q  3 
  6 Facey, Ricardo               Potomac                   6.88q  1 
  7 Blair-May, Eli               Episcopal                 6.94   4 
  8 Ajavon, Litchfield           Episcopal                 6.95   2 
  8 Price, Ja'Von                Sssas                     6.95   1 
 10 Borden, Curtis               Sssas                     6.97   3 
 11 Jones, Tre                   Gonzaga                   6.99   3 
 12 Artz, Jake                   Mercersburg               7.02   1 
 13 Lloyd, Marwan                Sidwell                   7.06   2 
 14 Mancilla, Carlos             Mercersburg               7.22   4 
 15 Estabrook, Max               George. Day               7.25   3 
 16 Cividanes, Julian            Sidwell                   7.31   4 
 17 Freeman, John                Paul VI                   7.35   2 
 18 Smith, Charlie               George. Day               7.50   1 
 19 Duren, Ryen                  Paul VI                   7.54   2 
 20 Hallums, Andrew              Gonzaga                   7.58   2 
 21 Mehlman, Michael             Landon                    8.43   1 
Event 12  Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Lobe, Justin                 Sidwell                   6.59  
  2 Collie, Alex                 Episcopal                 6.73  
  3 Jackson, Nick                George. Day               6.77  
  4 Facey, Ricardo               Potomac                   6.88  
  5 Ikekhua, Jude                Mercersburg               6.89  
  6 Healy, William               Gonzaga                   6.91  
Event 13  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Oliver, Isabelle             Trinity                5:25.37  
  2 Wilson, Bryn                 Sidwell                5:40.24  
  3 Dunne, Brennan               Visitation             5:42.25  
  4 Kaplan, Abby                 Visitation             5:42.66  
  5 Torczon, Cassia              Visitation             5:48.20  
  6 Johnson, Olivia              Episcopal              5:53.63  
  7 Ajuma, Abigail               Episcopal              6:02.96  
  8 Geitner, Ryan                Mercersburg            6:04.14  
  9 Zimmerman, Ellie             Sidwell                6:05.68  
 10 Garrett, Madison             Sssas                  6:16.07  
 11 Weinberg, Alexa              Potomac                6:24.34  
 12 Driessen, Lucia              George. Day            6:32.39  
 13 Kistler, Jane                Mercersburg            6:32.56  
 14 Naatz, Sarah                 George. Day            6:43.63  
 15 Geitner, Emma Claire         Mercersburg            6:43.96  
Event 14  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Colucci, John                Gonzaga                4:43.11  
  2 McCann, William              Gonzaga                4:49.41  
  3 Feldman, Wesley              Landon                 4:51.31  
  4 Beckham, John                Gonzaga                4:51.33  
  5 Chernof, Jordan              Sidwell                5:01.06  
  6 Chadda, Arihant              Landon                 5:01.74  
  7 Sweeney, John                Sssas                  5:02.13  
  8 Kissam, Cole                 Mercersburg            5:03.44  
  9 Wood, Alexander              Mercersburg            5:20.29  
 10 Kim, Elliot                  Potomac                5:20.62  
 11 Doyle, Chris                 Mercersburg            5:21.86  
 12 Lowrie, Matthew              Landon                 5:22.95  
 13 Cobb, Doug                   Potomac                5:24.92  
 14 Wylder, Hans                 Potomac                5:28.93  
 15 Siegel, Peter                Sidwell                5:29.27  
 16 Elias, Jeff                  George. Day            5:47.80  
Event 15  Girls 300 Meter Dash
 Waterfall Start
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Fitzsimon, Bridget           Paul VI                  43.47   6 
  2 Goodwyn, Carson              Episcopal                44.36   6 
  3 Stewart, Finley              Mercersburg              44.59   7 
  4 Belodeau, Zoe                Sssas                    44.86   7 
  5 Forster, Ashley              Paul VI                  45.38   6 
  6 Farquharson, Dawn            Episcopal                46.29   7 
  7 Oliver, Isabelle             Trinity                  46.39   1 
  8 Henson-Vendrell, Antonel     Paul VI                  46.47   4 
  9 Peartree, Annie              Sidwell                  47.08   5 
 10 Treadway, Helen              Sssas                    47.13   4 
 11 Peace, Bria                  Potomac                  48.25   5 
 12 Searchinger, Chloe           Potomac                  49.19   4 
 13 Watson, Alexandra            Visitation               50.06   2 
 13 Chapman, Nicole              George. Day              50.06   3 
 15 Smith, Anna                  Episcopal                50.32   1 
 16 Pappas, Analiese             Visitation               51.00   5 
 17 Morris, Isabel               Potomac                  51.49   4 
 18 Allen, Riley                 Episcopal                51.50   2 
 19 Mears, Emily                 Episcopal                54.61   3 
 20 Magazine, Alyssa             Mercersburg              55.38   1 
 21 Rios Camarena Suarez, An     Mercersburg              59.54   2 
Event 16  Boys 300 Meter Dash
 Waterfall Start
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Duren, James                 Paul VI                  37.11   9 
  2 Lobe, Justin                 Sidwell                  38.04   9 
  3 Ikekhua, Jude                Mercersburg              39.30   8 
  4 Lloyd, Marwan                Sidwell                  39.73   8 
  5 Price, Ja'Von                Sssas                    40.48   3 
  6 Hackerson, Noah              Paul VI                  40.49   8 
  7 Sharpe, Kenny                Paul VI                  40.97   9 
  8 Laws, Preston                Episcopal                41.09   7 
  9 Kim, Jack                    Episcopal                41.26   2 
 10 Barron, Tyler                Gonzaga                  41.42   7 
 11 Marlatt, Coleman             Episcopal                41.50   5 
 12 Cividanes, Julian            Sidwell                  41.57   7 
 13 Borden, Curtis               Sssas                    41.98   4 
 14 Oakley, Will                 Mercersburg              42.39   6 
 15 Nanos, Alex                  Mercersburg              42.54   3 
 16 Smith, Charlie               George. Day              42.66   2 
 17 Kupka, Roger                 Landon                   42.76   1 
 18 Liu, Tim                     Episcopal                42.82   6 
 19 Mclaughlin, Matt             Gonzaga                  43.16   5 
 20 Da Silva, Felipe             George. Day              43.27   1 
 21 Adedze, Dela                 Gonzaga                  43.55   4 
 22 Bracken, Rory                Episcopal                43.92   4 
 23 Walker, Davis                Landon                   44.00   1 
 24 Nardello, Alex               George. Day              44.19   2 
 25 Lui, Brendan                 Potomac                  44.43   5 
 26 Carr, Michael                Landon                   45.05   1 
 27 Padilla, Herbert             Potomac                  45.66   2 
Event 17  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
 Waterfall Start
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 St Stephens and St Agnes  'A'                       4:25.60   2 
  2 Georgetown Visitation  'A'                          4:38.59   2 
  3 St Stephens and St Agnes  'B'                       4:38.76   1 
  4 Potomac School  'A'                                 4:39.49   2 
  5 Potomac School  'B'                                 4:49.22   1 
  6 Episcopal  'A'                                      4:59.62   1 
  7 Georgetown Day  'A'                                 5:01.44   1 
  8 The Mercersburg  'B'                                5:02.73   1 
  9 Paul VI  'A'                                        5:08.40   2 
 10 The Mercersburg  'A'                                5:18.35   2 
Event 18  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
 Waterfall Start
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Episcopal  'A'                                      3:40.74   2 
  2 Gonzaga  'A'                                        3:43.74   2 
  3 Georgetown Day  'A'                                 3:47.44   2 
  4 Potomac School  'A'                                 3:48.34   2 
  5 St Stephens and St Agnes  'A'                       3:52.74   2 
  6 The Mercersburg  'A'                                3:54.34   2 
  7 Gonzaga  'B'                                        3:57.24   1 
  8 Episcopal  'B'                                      4:06.04   1 
  9 The Mercersburg  'B'                                4:07.94   1 
 10 Georgetown Day  'B'                                 4:13.24   1 
 11 Landon  'A'                                         4:14.04   1 
 12 Sidwell Friends  'A'                                4:15.14   1 
 13 Paul VI  'A'                                        4:21.64   2 

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