
Saahr Edouard
Walter Johnson
Class of 2018 (Update)
1600m Run04/28/2015B-CC, WJ, RM at WC04:56.8014
1600m Run04/15/2015B-CC at Walter Johnson05:03.507
1600m Run03/21/2015Urbana Invitational05:20.6332
1600m Run03/31/2015Wootton, WJ at Whitman05:24.6223
2.5 Mile XC10/10/2015Manhattan Invitational14:03.646
3 Mile XC10/06/2015WJ at Richard Montgomery16:57.385
3 Mile XC11/14/2015MD State Championship17:53.2064
3 Mile XC09/26/2015DCXC Invitational18:36.039
3200m Run12/08/2015MCPS Meet #210:34.815
5000m XC10/26/2015Montgomery Co. Championship16:54.531
5000m XC11/05/20154A West Regional17:19.725
5000m XC09/29/2015Einstein at Walter Johnson17:39.027
5000m XC10/17/2015Georgetown Prep Classic17:481312
5000m XC09/06/2014Seahawk Invitational18:0954
5000m XC10/13/2015Churchill, WJ at Whitman18:15.538
5000m XC09/19/2015Oatlands Invitational18:29175
5000m XC09/16/2014B-CC, RM at WJ18:39.1223
5000m XC10/08/2014Coyote Run18:4710
5000m XC10/18/2014Montgomery Co. Championship18:5515
5000m XC09/20/2014Oatlands Invitational19:0149
5000m XC09/23/2014Poolesville, HC at WJ19:07.8016
5000m XC10/02/2014WJ, Wootton at Whitman19:20.6828
800m Run04/28/2015B-CC, WJ, RM at WC02:14.7020
800m Run12/08/2015MCPS Meet #202:15.121
800m Run03/31/2015Wootton, WJ at Whitman02:21.4510
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
08/23/2016WJ in Pursuit of Fourth State Title
10/20/2015Boys XC County Championship Projections

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