
Matthew Halverson
Winston Churchill
Class of 2017 (Update)
5000m XC09/13/2016Churchill at Walter Johnson17:40.841
5000m XC09/20/2016Quince Orchard at Churchill17:26.701
1600m Run04/25/2017Churchill at Wootton04:41.102
3200m Run04/19/2017B-CC at Churchill 10:33.602
800m Run04/25/2017Churchill at Wootton02:07.803
3200m Run03/29/2017Whitman at Churchill 10:43.703
5000m XC09/28/2016RM, Churchill at Wootton18:23.093
1600m Run05/14/2016Montgomery Co B Meet04:43.904
1600m Run12/10/2016HoCo Winterfest04:45.026
5000m XC10/05/2016B-CC, Churchill, St. A at Landon17:53.966
1600m Run02/04/20164A West Regional04:57.646
Mile Run01/21/2017Last Track to Philly04:48.176
1600m Run05/06/2017TC Williams Invitational04:37.046
3200m Run04/25/2016Friday Night Spikes10:51.707
3200m Run05/07/2016TC Williams Invitational 10:26.007
1600m Run01/20/2016Montgomery Co. TF Championship04:46.447
1600m Run05/10/2017MCPS Championships04:34.5611
3200m Run04/16/2016Viking Invitational10:41.4612
5000m XC10/13/2015Churchill, WJ at Whitman19:07.1213
5000m XC10/10/2015Glory Days Invitational18:1413
1600m Run02/09/20174A West Regional04:48.9213
5000m XC09/16/2015RM at Churchill18:56.8013
1600m Run04/17/2015Friday Night Spikes05:04.9014
3200m Run05/09/2015MoCo B Championship11:12.2414
1600m Run03/24/2015Whitman at Churchill05:13.514
1600m Run01/18/2017Montgomery Co. TF Championship04:46.8214
5000m XC09/16/2013Walt Whitman at Churchill20:29.1014
800m Run03/24/2015Whitman at Churchill02:20.115
5000m XC11/03/20164A West Regional17:09.0215
1600m Run12/29/2015MCPS Meet #304:56.316
1600m Run05/20/20174A West Regional04:40.6417
3200m Run05/19/20164A West Regional10:23.4619
800m Run04/17/2015Friday Night Spikes02:18.4019
5000m XC10/06/2015Einstein, B-CC at Churchill19:00.9022
1600m Run04/28/2015B-CC, WJ, RM at WC05:02.6023
3 Mile XC09/24/2016DC XC Invitational16:2623
3200m Run12/08/2015MCPS Meet #210:52.324
800m Run05/06/2017TC Williams Invitational02:11.4524
5000m XC10/22/2016Montgomery Co. Championship17:04.3225
5000m XC11/19/2016Battle of the Potomac18:3626
800m Run04/28/2015B-CC, WJ, RM at WC02:17.9027
5000m XC09/19/2015Adidas XC Challenge17:54.428
5000m XC10/18/2014Montgomery Co. Championship19:2730
5000m XC09/16/2014Churchill at Northwest19:5533
800m Run12/29/2015MCPS Meet #302:18.834
5000m XC09/10/2014Sherwood at Churchill20:59.6236
5000m XC09/24/2013Churchill at Poolesville20:13.2038
5000m XC09/23/2014Churchill at QO20:40.140
5000m XC10/08/2013Churchill, Blair @ Landon20:33.4842
3 Mile XC11/12/2016Maryland State Championship17:23.6644
5000m XC09/30/2014Cburg, AE, WC at Landon20:47.6247
1600m Run12/30/2014MCPS Meet #305:14.3150
5000m XC10/19/2013Montgomery Co. Championship19:1753
3 Mile XC09/26/2015DCXC Invitational18:24.057
5000m XC10/26/2015Montgomery Co. Championship17:26.562
5000m XC11/26/2016NXN Southeast Regional17:23.372
800m Run12/30/2014MCPS Meet #302:27.1476
5000m XC09/27/2014DC XC Invitational19:5179
1600m Run12/06/2014MCPS Meet #105:32.8386
5000m XC09/17/2016Adidas XC Challenge17:25.3149
5000m XC10/08/2016Glory Days Invitational18:31175
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
11/20/2018NXR Boys Ten Year Summary
10/18/2016Boys XC County Championship Projections

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