
Click a school name to see Montgomery Invitational meet bests for that school

Montgomery Invitational Girls Meet Records
EventYearAthlete NameHigh SchoolMeet Record
55m Dash2007Krissy HaleyMount Hebron7.40
300m Dash2013Taylor WilliamsMount Hebron42.71
500m Run2016Ebere UgorjiMount Hebron01:24.93
800m Run2006Liz McCarterMount Hebron02:20.76
1600m Run2006Liz McCarterMount Hebron05:20.82
1 Mile Run2007Liz McCarterMount Hebron05:28.38
3200m Run2010Becky YepMount Hebron11:05.37
55m Hurdles2003Jeanette CurtisMount Hebron08.49
High Jump2010Eryn DonaldsonMount Hebron5-04.00
Long Jump2007Krissy HaleyMount Hebron16-04.50
Triple Jump2009Angela MensahMount Hebron34-00.50
Shot Put2016Danielle PittsMount Hebron31-07.50
4x200m Relay2016 Mount Hebron01:51.79
4x400m Relay2003 Mount Hebron04:15.13
4x800m Relay2003 Mount Hebron09:55.70
4000m DMR2007 Mount Hebron13:14.95
Discontinued Event Meet Records
400m Dash2005Lauren McClenneyMount Hebron60.52

Montgomery Invitational Top 50 Girls Event Performances

Girls 55m Dash
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2007Krissy HaleyMount Hebron7.40
2007Krissy HaleyMount Hebron7.44
2013Taylor WilliamsMount Hebron7.61
2016Jaiden RitterMount Hebron7.82
2003Jeanette CurtisMount Hebron7.88
2014Julie KnorrMount Hebron7.96
2013Julie KnorrMount Hebron7.97
2015Taylor SigurMount Hebron7.97
2015Morgan SigurMount Hebron8.02
2012Julie KnorrMount Hebron8.04
2014Mayah GodseyMount Hebron8.18
2024Kennedy UmanaMount Hebron8.25
2004Shannon ConroyMount Hebron8.26
2010Jami TillerMount Hebron8.53
2024Aarya ThuraiMount Hebron8.55
Girls 200m Dash
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
Girls 300m Dash
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2013Taylor WilliamsMount Hebron42.71
2016Jaiden RitterMount Hebron44.44
2012River WilliamsMount Hebron45.78
2015Ebere UgorjiMount Hebron46.19
2014Julie KnorrMount Hebron46.91
Girls 400m Dash (Discontinued)
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2005Lauren McClenneyMount Hebron60.52
2004Lauren McClenneyMount Hebron62.27
2008Rachel McKeeMount Hebron62.50
2011Michaela WilkinsMount Hebron63.66
2007Rachel McKeeMount Hebron64.77
2008Mara PalmateerMount Hebron66.43
2010Kelly KujawaMount Hebron69.55
2010Amiya NorrisMount Hebron71.05
Girls 500m Run
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2016Ebere UgorjiMount Hebron01:24.93
2015Megan BenoitMount Hebron01:25.64
2013River WilliamsMount Hebron01:26.00
2012Areeba MushtagMount Hebron01:27.25
2014Megan BenoitMount Hebron01:27.59
Girls 800m Run
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2006Liz McCarterMount Hebron02:20.76
2012Michaela WilkinsMount Hebron02:27.28
2007Laura McKeeMount Hebron02:27.32
2003Darya FakoryMount Hebron02:27.34
2015Eileen ZohorskyMount Hebron02:30.37
2010Karli BuescherMount Hebron02:30.66
2024Gauri NairMount Hebron02:31.37
2004Liz McCarterMount Hebron02:31.39
2011Hannah VaughanMount Hebron02:32.77
2024Liesl McMullenMount Hebron02:33.36
2016Megan BenoitMount Hebron02:33.45
2004Darya FakoryMount Hebron02:33.50
2011Liz TawaMount Hebron02:34.79
2014Areeba MushtagMount Hebron02:36.91
2015Michelle HodgeMount Hebron02:37.44
2014Ruchi VazarkarMount Hebron02:41.72
Girls 1600m Run
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2006Liz McCarterMount Hebron05:20.82
2016Alexandra BanhamMount Hebron05:24.39
2005Liz McCarterMount Hebron05:29.30
2012Karli BuescherMount Hebron05:30.49
2015Eileen ZohorskyMount Hebron05:34.66
2011Karli BuescherMount Hebron05:36.51
2011Page VaneMount Hebron05:41.58
2010Liz TawaMount Hebron05:44.31
2013Chelsea VaneMount Hebron05:44.87
2011Chelsea VaneMount Hebron05:47.84
2008Angela MalczynMount Hebron05:50.66
2009Angela MalczynMount Hebron05:54.23
2008Imani WilliamsMount Hebron05:56.10
2014Maria PackardMount Hebron05:57.81
Girls 1 Mile Run
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2007Liz McCarterMount Hebron05:28.38
2003Katie MasonMount Hebron05:41.42
Girls 3000m Run (Discontinued)  
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
Girls 3200m Run  
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2010Becky YepMount Hebron11:05.37
2012Rachel YepMount Hebron11:39.48
2013Rachel YepMount Hebron11:52.55
2011Rachel YepMount Hebron11:57.22
Girls 55m Hurdles
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2003Jeanette CurtisMount Hebron08.49
2003Jeanette CurtisMount Hebron08.75
2004Colleen ConnellyMount Hebron09.07
2016Sarah HummMount Hebron09.93
2015Jade GantMount Hebron10.17
2007Anna GrimesMount Hebron10.18
2015Sarah HummMount Hebron10.96
2024Shiloh AdjaMount Hebron11.80
Girls High Jump
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2010Eryn DonaldsonMount Hebron5-04.00
2009Erin DonaldsonMount Hebron5-02.00
2007Erin DonaldsonMount Hebron5-00.00
2008Erin DonaldsonMount Hebron5-00.00
2016Julia ShanleyMount Hebron4-10.00
2003Lauren BrownMount Hebron4-08.00
Girls Long Jump
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2007Krissy HaleyMount Hebron16-04.50
2009Angela MensahMount Hebron16-03.00
2016Sarah HummMount Hebron14-11.00
2015Sarah HummMount Hebron14-00.00
2015Jade GantMount Hebron13-06.00
2012Kimara WalkerMount Hebron13-04.00
2012Naomi MburuMount Hebron12-06.00
2013Naomi MburuMount Hebron12-03.75
Girls Triple Jump
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2009Angela MensahMount Hebron34-00.50
2016Sarah HummMount Hebron32-03.25
2015Jade GantMount Hebron31-02.75
2013Naomi MburuMount Hebron30-08.75
2012Naomi MburuMount Hebron30-04.50
2015Sarah HummMount Hebron29-06.00
2007Erin DonaldsonMount Hebron29-05.00
Girls Shot Put
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
2016Danielle PittsMount Hebron31-07.50
2004Karen KriesMount Hebron26-01.25
2004Colleen ConnellyMount Hebron25-08.75
2012Jader GodseyMount Hebron25-00.50
Girls Pole Vault
YearAthlete NameSchool NameResult
Girls 4x200m Relay
YearSchool NameResult
2016Mount Hebron01:51.79
2013Mount Hebron01:52.13
2007Mount Hebron01:52.57
2012Mount Hebron01:54.54
2015Mount Hebron01:54.85
2014Mount Hebron01:55.61
2009Mount Hebron01:55.84
2004Mount Hebron01:55.99
2011Mount Hebron01:59.51
2010Mount Hebron02:04.08
2024Mount Hebron02:11.31
Girls 4x400m Relay
YearSchool NameResult
2003Mount Hebron04:15.13
2004Mount Hebron04:19.60
2013Mount Hebron04:21.49
2016Mount Hebron04:23.81
2015Mount Hebron04:27.72
2014Mount Hebron04:30.21
2024Mount Hebron04:31.24
2012Mount Hebron04:31.96
2010Mount Hebron04:35.65
2011Mount Hebron04:45.17
Girls 4x800m Relay
YearSchool NameResult
2003Mount Hebron09:55.70
2005Mount Hebron10:16.65
2010Mount Hebron10:20.02
2011Mount Hebron10:20.44
2006Mount Hebron10:26.54
2009Mount Hebron10:28.00
2004Mount Hebron10:33.35
2016Mount Hebron10:55.66
2015Mount Hebron11:13.94
2014Mount Hebron11:14.28
Girls 1600m Sprint Medley Relay Relay
YearSchool NameResult
Girls 4000m Distance Medley Relay Relay
YearSchool NameResult
2007Mount Hebron13:14.95
2005Mount Hebron13:28.07
2011Mount Hebron13:31.93
2012Mount Hebron13:53.85
2016Mount Hebron13:56.41
2008Mount Hebron13:59.44
2010Mount Hebron14:18.09
2004Mount Hebron14:52.66

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