
Rockville XC Ranking Team Analytics
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Mocorunning's XC rankings date back to the 2006 season.
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Most Weeks Ranked Top 101

NameSchool    Grad Year    Weeks Top 10  

Kathryn Nagiel  Rockville   2011    1  


Most Weeks Ranked1

NameSchool    Grad Year    Weeks Ranked  

Amy Ferro  Rockville   2010    17  
Kathryn Nagiel  Rockville   2011    13  
Josephine Swagart  Rockville   2024    10  
Ariana Arturo  Rockville   2026    6  
Caroline Landry  Rockville   2014    4  
Alexis Nettles  Rockville   2014    3  
Victoria Regitz  Rockville   2021    1  


1The Most Weeks Ranked stat is based on the # of rankings published. It is not based on calendar weeks. It is not necessarily consecutive weeks. The number of rankings published each season varied. There are typically 10 to 11 rankings published each season.


Highest Ranked Athlete for This School2

NameSchool    Date    Peak Rank  

Kathryn Nagiel  Rockville   11/15/2009    10  
Victoria Regitz  Rockville   04/30/2021    14  
Amy Ferro  Rockville   10/12/2008    15  
Josephine Swagart  Rockville   10/22/2023    28  
Ariana Arturo  Rockville   09/29/2024    52  
Alexis Nettles  Rockville   10/14/2013    80  
Caroline Landry  Rockville   10/14/2013    88  


2The Highest Ranked Athlete for This School stat displays the highest peak ranking by an athlete for this school.


Highest Ranked Athlete for This School - Final Season Rankings3

NameSchool    Date    Rank  

Victoria Regitz  Rockville   04/30/2021    14  
Amy Ferro  Rockville   11/09/2008    21  
Kathryn Nagiel  Rockville   11/15/2009    23  
Josephine Swagart  Rockville   11/12/2023    34  
Amy Ferro  Rockville   11/15/2009    35  
Caroline Landry  Rockville   11/10/2013    97  


3The Highest Ranked Athlete for This School - Final Season Ranking stat displays the highest end-of-season ranking by athletes for this school.


Highest Debut Ranking4

NameSchool    Date    Grade    Debut Rank  

Victoria Regitz  Rockville   04/30/2021    12    14  
Amy Ferro  Rockville   10/12/2008    11    15  
Kathryn Nagiel  Rockville   09/13/2009    11    30  
Josephine Swagart  Rockville   09/11/2023    12    38  
Ariana Arturo  Rockville   09/16/2024    11    56  
Alexis Nettles  Rockville   10/06/2013    12    82  
Caroline Landry  Rockville   10/14/2013    12    88  


Highest Debut Ranking for Freshmen4

NameSchool    Date    Debut Rank  


4The Highest Debut Ranking stat shows the highest rankings at which individual athletes first appeared in the rankings. The original 2006 preseason rankings are excluded.


Highest All-Time Point Totals5

NameSchool    Date    Rank    Points  

Victoria Regitz  Rockville   04/30/2021    14    178.0  
Amy Ferro  Rockville   10/12/2008    15    162.0  
Josephine Swagart  Rockville   11/04/2023    29    114.6  
Kathryn Nagiel  Rockville   11/15/2009    10    113.3  


5Peak point total must be at least 100 points to appear here. The Highest All-Time Point Totals stat is not meant to infer a hierarchy of best runners. The point system evolves and cannot be compared across seasons. A high point total is always indicative of dominance over average varsity runners within any given season. Only the peak point total is shown for each athlete. The rank shown in this list is the rank at the time of the peak point total and not necessarily the peak ranking of that runner.


Most Athletes Ranked From One Team in a Week6

Year - Team    Week    # Athletes Ranked  

2009 Rockville    Week 2   2  
2013 Rockville    Week 6   2  
2008 Rockville    Week 6   1  
2010 Rockville    Preseason   1  
2020 Rockville    Final   1  
2023 Rockville    Week 2   1  
2024 Rockville    Week 2   1  


6The Most Athletes Ranked From One Team in a Week identifies and ranks the teams that have had the most runners ranked simultaneously. A team may be listed once for each year. The earliest week in the season where the team achieved the most runners for the season is shown. Ties broken chronologically.


Greatest Individual Ranking Improvement in a Week7

Season / Week   Athlete   Grade    School    R1    R2    Rank Change  

2023   Week 8  Josephine Swagart   12    Rockville    59    28    31  
2009   Week 6  Amy Ferro   12    Rockville    45    33    12  
2009   Week 3  Kathryn Nagiel   11    Rockville    30    22    8  
2009   Week 8  Kathryn Nagiel   11    Rockville    30    25    5  
2009   Final  Amy Ferro   12    Rockville    39    35    4  
2009   Final  Kathryn Nagiel   11    Rockville    27    23    4  
2008   Week 9  Amy Ferro   11    Rockville    22    19    3  
2009   Week 4  Kathryn Nagiel   11    Rockville    22    19    3  
2013   Final  Caroline Landry   12    Rockville    100    97    3  
2023   Week 4  Josephine Swagart   12    Rockville    36    33    3  
2009   Week 1  Amy Ferro   12    Rockville    17    15    2  
2013   Week 6  Alexis Nettles   12    Rockville    82    80    2  
2023   Week 3  Josephine Swagart   12    Rockville    38    36    2  
2024   Week 3  Ariana Arturo   11    Rockville    56    54    2  
2024   Week 4  Ariana Arturo   11    Rockville    54    52    2  
2024   Week 6  Ariana Arturo   11    Rockville    55    54    1  


7The Greatest Individual Ranking Improvement in a Week identifies and ranks the individuals with the greatest ranking improvement in a single week. The athlete must be ranked both weeks to be considered (excludes newly ranked runners). Excludes the ranking transition from final season rankings to the next preseason rankings. Ties broken chronologically.


Most Ranking Entries and Re-Entries8

NameSchool    Grad Year    Ranking Entries  


8Progress is not linear for everyone. These athletes had setbacks and kept working their way back onto the ranking at least two times after their initial debut. It is very common for athletes to fall off the rankings and get re-added later.


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