
Patrick Winter
Walter Johnson
Class of 2016 (Update)
1000m Run12/13/2014CNU Winter Frolic02:53.4641
1600m Run12/19/2015Bishop Loughlin Games04:35.96c19
1600m Run12/05/2015MCPS Meet #104:43.53
1600m Run12/29/2015MCPS Meet #304:50.011
1600m Run01/09/2016Montgomery Invitational04:50.8332
1600m Run12/30/2014MCPS Meet #304:51.0518
1600m Run05/10/2014Montgomery County B04:54.4014
1600m Run03/22/2014Centreville Relays04:54.744
1600m Run04/02/2014Churchill at Walter Johnson04:55.09
1600m Run04/23/2013Wootton, Whitman at WJ04:56.9023
1600m Run04/09/2014RM, B-CC at WJ04:57.611
1600m Run01/20/2016Montgomery Co. TF Championship04:58.9915
1600m Run03/22/2016B-CC, Churchill at WJ04:59.8816
1600m Run04/05/2014Coyote Invitational05:03.0034
1600m Run04/10/2013Walter Johnson at B-CC05:07.6811
1600m Run03/31/2015Wootton, WJ at Whitman05:07.9315
1600m Run03/25/2014WJ, Wootton at Whitman05:10.6021
1600m Run02/04/20164A West Regional05:16.8119
1600m Run02/05/20154A West Regional05:20.7217
2.5 Mile XC10/10/2015Manhattan Invitational14:08.349
2.5 Mile XC10/11/2014Manhattan Invitational14:24.357
2000m Steeple04/12/2014Woodward Relays07:16.909
3 Mile XC10/06/2015WJ at Richard Montgomery17:01.786
3 Mile XC09/28/2013Frank Keyser Invitational 17:09.55
3 Mile XC09/26/2015DCXC Invitational17:16.036
3 Mile XC11/14/2015MD State Championship17:21.8036
3 Mile XC11/08/20144A State Championship18:29.7104
3 Mile XC09/27/2014Bull Run Invitational18:33.335
3200m Run12/08/2015MCPS Meet #210:23.210
3200m Run04/16/2016Viking Invitational10:35.8710
3200m Run04/12/2016Walter Johnson at R. Montgomery10:51.004
3200m Run04/20/2016WJ at Whitman11:02.893
3200m Run04/15/2015B-CC at Walter Johnson11:04.007
3200m Run04/02/2014Churchill at Walter Johnson11:06.413
3200m Run05/11/2013Montgomery County B Meet11:23.8524
3200m Run04/10/2013Walter Johnson at B-CC11:40.0611
400m Dash04/05/2016Walter Johnson at Wootton55.505
5000m XC10/26/2015Montgomery Co. Championship17:07.246
5000m XC11/05/20154A West Regional17:18.924
5000m XC09/23/2014Poolesville, HC at WJ17:32.187
5000m XC09/29/2015Einstein at Walter Johnson17:38.526
5000m XC10/30/20144A West Regional17:38.7044
5000m XC10/17/2015Georgetown Prep Classic17:441335
5000m XC09/16/2014B-CC, RM at WJ17:49.249
5000m XC09/15/2015B-CC at Walter Johnson17:50.247
5000m XC09/20/2014Oatlands Invitational17:55144
5000m XC09/21/2013Spiked Shoe Invitational 17:5577
5000m XC09/17/2013Sherwood, Bullis at WJ17:58.288
5000m XC09/19/2015Oatlands Invitational18:01119
5000m XC10/18/2014Montgomery Co. Championship18:04.7093
5000m XC10/13/2015Churchill, WJ at Whitman18:07.866
5000m XC10/19/2013Montgomery Co. Championship18:116
5000m XC10/02/2014WJ, Wootton at Whitman18:19.8016
5000m XC10/09/2013WJ, B-CC at Wootton18:36.8517
5000m XC10/09/2012RM, WJ at Magruder18:44.0033
5000m XC09/24/2013Einstein, WJ at QO19:17.1816
5000m XC10/06/2012Octoberfest Invitational19:2230
5000m XC09/08/2012Spiked Shoe Invitational19:476
5000m XC11/17/2012Battle of the Potomac 719:4833
5000m XC09/11/2012Northwest at Walter Johnson19:57.8133
800m Run05/19/20164A West Regional02:03.2316
800m Run05/11/2016Montgomery Co. Championship02:03.9011
800m Run05/14/20154A West Regional02:05.8421
800m Run01/03/2015Southern MD Classic02:09.0613
800m Run01/28/2014Montgomery Co. TF Championship02:09.3918
800m Run12/07/2013MCPS Meet #1 02:10.216
800m Run01/20/2015Montgomery Co. TF Championship02:10.3216
800m Run12/29/2015MCPS Meet #302:10.815
800m Run12/09/2014MCPS Meet #202:11.6322
800m Run04/28/2015B-CC, WJ, RM at WC02:12.2012
800m Run12/30/2014MCPS Meet #302:13.2527
800m Run04/16/2016Viking Invitational02:15.0039
800m Run04/20/2016WJ at Whitman02:17.286
800m Run04/09/2014RM, B-CC at WJ02:18.6014
800m Run02/05/20154A West Regional02:19.0120
800m Run02/04/20164A West Regional02:19.5917
800m Run04/15/2015B-CC at Walter Johnson02:20.566
800m Run04/23/2013Wootton, Whitman at WJ02:21.6233
800m Run03/31/2015Wootton, WJ at Whitman02:22.2312
800m Run03/25/2014WJ, Wootton at Whitman02:24.0617
800m Run02/06/20144A West Regional02:28.2920
800m Run04/10/2013Walter Johnson at B-CC02:28.3419
Mile Run12/19/2015Bishop Loughlin Games04:37.5619
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
12/20/2015Top Performances Week of Dec 13
10/20/2015Boys XC County Championship Projections
10/12/2014County Championship Projections
08/25/20142014 Preseason XC Tour

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