
Nefret El-Masry
Richard Montgomery
Class of 2018 (Update)
1600m Run05/11/2016Montgomery Co. Championship05:26.0011
1600m Run05/17/20184A West Regional05:26.277
1600m Run04/19/2016R. Montgomery at B-CC05:27.42
1600m Run05/20/20174A West Regional05:32.7815
1600m Run05/09/2018MCPS Championship05:35.5011
1600m Run04/04/2017B-CC at Richard Montgomery 05:37.02
1600m Run05/05/2018Katie Jenkins Invitational05:38.607
1600m Run04/18/2018Churchill at R. Montgomery05:40.22
1600m Run03/22/2016R. Montgomery at Wootton05:43.565
1600m Run05/14/20154A West Regional05:44.3722
1600m Run05/02/2015Katie Jenkins Invitational05:46.158
1600m Run03/21/2017RM WJ at Churchill05:50.205
1600m Run04/15/2015Whitman at R. Montgomery05:51.005
3 Mile XC10/06/2015WJ at Richard Montgomery19:41.415
3 Mile XC09/23/2014Whitman at RM19:50.213
3 Mile XC09/09/2015Einstein at RM20:06.003
3 Mile XC09/02/2017Interstate Classic20:10.61
3 Mile XC09/03/2016Interstate Classic20:11.65
3 Mile XC09/20/2014Frank Keyser Invitational20:26.88
3 Mile XC11/11/20174A State Championship20:34.0029
3 Mile XC11/14/2015MD State Championship21:10.1649
3 Mile XC11/08/20144A State Championship21:11.145
3 Mile XC11/12/2016Maryland State Championship21:14.6044
3200m Run05/19/20164A West Regional11:46.459
3200m Run05/14/20154A West Regional11:58.1012
3200m Run04/10/2018RM at Walter Johnson11:59.003
3200m Run04/12/2016Walter Johnson at R. Montgomery12:02.002
3200m Run05/10/2017MCPS Championships12:10.8312
3200m Run05/20/20174A West Regional12:18.9013
3200m Run04/28/2015B-CC, WJ, RM at WC12:22.906
3200m Run03/24/2015RM, Wootton at BCC13:34.010
5000m XC10/21/2017Montgomery Co. Championship19:45.3020
5000m XC09/06/2017Poolesville, Paint Branch at RM19:542
5000m XC09/20/2016Walter Johnson RM at B-CC20:04.293
5000m XC11/25/2017NXN Southeast Regional20:09.523
5000m XC10/30/20144A West Regional20:13.0721
5000m XC10/26/2015Montgomery Co. Championship20:21.340
5000m XC10/18/2014Montgomery Co. Championship20:24.0724
5000m XC11/03/20164A West Regional20:29.7020
5000m XC10/15/2015Coyote Run20:30.18
5000m XC09/29/2015RM Whitman at B-CC20:32.49
5000m XC09/26/2017Einstein and RM at WJ20:333
5000m XC09/16/2014B-CC, RM at WJ20:38.568
5000m XC09/27/2014DC XC Invitational20:424
5000m XC09/05/2015Interstate Classic20:43.68
5000m XC09/17/2016Oatlands Invitational20:503
5000m XC11/02/20174A West Regional20:59.0013
5000m XC11/05/20154A West Regional21:02.827
5000m XC10/08/2014Coyote Run21:1319
5000m XC09/16/2017Oatlands Invitational21:3271
5000m XC09/16/2015RM at Churchill21:43.405
5000m XC09/09/2014RM, Poolesville at Wootton21:56.725
800m Run05/06/2017Katie Jenkins Invitational02:30.946
800m Run04/05/2016Churchill, RM at Whitman02:31.753
800m Run04/16/2016Viking Invitational02:33.8325
800m Run05/20/20174A West Regional02:38.2921
800m Run04/04/2017B-CC at Richard Montgomery 02:39.07
800m Run04/15/2015Whitman at R. Montgomery02:46.006
800m Run04/12/2016Walter Johnson at R. Montgomery02:47.904
800m Run03/21/2017RM WJ at Churchill02:53.6014
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
11/20/2018NXR Girls Ten Year Summary
09/05/2016Around the County Week 1
09/03/2016Girls Preseason Poll Results

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