
Emma Basset
Richard Montgomery
Class of 2019 (Update)
1600m Run12/05/2015MCPS Meet #106:42.263
200 Dash ht04/21/2018B-CC at Richard Montgomery29.74
200 Dash ht04/19/2017Wootton, Whitman at RM29.849
200 Dash ht03/21/2017RM WJ at Churchill30.113
200 Dash ht04/19/2016R. Montgomery at B-CC30.620
200 Dash ht03/22/2016R. Montgomery at Wootton30.9822
200m Dash04/05/2016Churchill, RM at Whitman31.7640
3 Mile XC10/06/2015WJ at Richard Montgomery21:43.4614
3 Mile XC09/02/2017Interstate Classic21:54.111
3 Mile XC11/12/2016Maryland State Championship21:59.9082
3 Mile XC09/03/2016Interstate Classic22:11.614
3 Mile XC11/11/20174A State Championship22:19.70101
3 Mile XC09/13/2016Quince Orchard at RM22:429
3 Mile XC09/09/2015Einstein at RM23:09.0010
300m Hurdles04/04/2018Whitman, Wootton at RM53.401
400m Dash04/21/2018B-CC at Richard Montgomery66.95
400m Dash05/12/2018County B Championship66.910
400m Dash05/20/20174A West Regional67.0627
400m Dash04/10/2018RM at Walter Johnson67.407
400m Dash05/13/2017MCPS B Championship67.8618
400m Dash04/04/2017B-CC at Richard Montgomery 68.75
400m Dash04/04/2018Whitman, Wootton at RM69.207
400m Dash03/21/2017RM WJ at Churchill69.511
400m Dash04/19/2017Wootton, Whitman at RM69.586
400m Dash04/19/2016R. Montgomery at B-CC77.023
400m Dash03/22/2016R. Montgomery at Wootton77.3019
400m Dash04/12/2016Walter Johnson at R. Montgomery79.510
5000m XC10/21/2017Montgomery Co. Championship21:06.1063
5000m XC11/03/20164A West Regional21:12.7438
5000m XC10/22/2016Montgomery Co. Championship21:29.8672
5000m XC10/08/2016Glory Days Invitational21:4049
5000m XC09/20/2016Walter Johnson RM at B-CC21:53.5918
5000m XC09/09/2017Track and Trail Invitaitonal22:12.030
5000m XC10/15/2015Coyote Run22:45.739
5000m XC09/12/2015Track and Trail Invitational22:48.538
5000m XC09/17/2016Oatlands Invitational22:5146
5000m XC10/26/2015Montgomery Co. Championship22:54.2134
5000m XC09/05/2015Interstate Classic23:04.824
5000m XC09/29/2015RM Whitman at B-CC23:06.828
5000m XC09/26/2017Einstein and RM at WJ23:0716
5000m XC09/10/2016Track and Trail Invitational23:09.136
5000m XC09/16/2015RM at Churchill23:10.1011
5000m XC09/19/2015Oatlands Invitational23:1141
5000m XC10/07/2017Wolverine Run23:11.4534
5000m XC11/02/20174A West Regional23:13.0057
5000m XC09/06/2017Poolesville, Paint Branch at RM23:4914
5000m XC09/16/2017Oatlands Invitational24:26314
5000m XC09/25/2018Blair at RM25:27.0018
5000m XC09/13/2017PB, RM at QO26:57.3919
5000m XC10/09/2018WJ, Whitman at RM27:16.0049
5000m XC10/27/2018Montgomery Co. Championship28:1789
500m Dash12/29/2015MCPS Meet #301:40.144
500m Dash12/05/2015MCPS Meet #101:43.672
800m Run04/10/2018RM at Walter Johnson02:43.106
800m Run05/13/2017MCPS B Championship02:44.4314
800m Run12/29/2015MCPS Meet #303:05.650
800m Run04/12/2016Walter Johnson at R. Montgomery03:36.2024
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
10/18/2016Girls XC County Championship Projections

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