
Gregory Garner
Walt Whitman
Class of 2021 (Update)
1600m Run05/12/2018County B Championship04:54.622
1600m Run05/01/2018Whitman at Walter Johnson04:59.614
1600m Run12/05/2017MCPS Meet #104:59.9829
2.5 Mile XC10/13/2018Manhattan Invitational14:26.811
3 Mile XC09/07/2019Seahawk Invitational17:04.65
3 Mile XC09/21/2019Bull Run Invitational17:46.854
3 Mile XC11/11/20174A State Championship18:47.15116
3200m Run12/17/2018MC-AA-BCo Meet #210:48.7814
3200m Run05/12/2018County B Championship10:56.011
3200m Run12/11/2018MC-AA-BCo Meet10:57.4818
5000m XC10/09/2018WJ, Whitman at RM17:22.008
5000m XC10/06/2018Great American Invitational17:44.5100
5000m XC09/09/2017Rebel Invitational17:49.930
5000m XC10/21/2017Montgomery Co. Championship17:57.80105
5000m XC09/18/2019B-CC, Whitman at Northwood 18:01.003
5000m XC09/14/2019Oatlands Invitational18:22142
5000m XC09/29/2018DCXC Invitational18:2517
5000m XC09/10/2019Whitman at Sherwood 18:31.845
5000m XC09/12/2017Northwest at Whitman18:37.248
5000m XC11/02/20174A West Regional19:05.0058
5000m XC10/04/2018Whitman at Blair20:0015
5000m XC09/25/2018B-CC, Wootton at Whitman21:03.1814
5000m XC09/26/2017Whitman, Blair at Churchill21:08.0035
800m Run05/01/2018Whitman at Walter Johnson02:17.817
800m Run04/14/2018Viking Invitational02:17.9728
800m Run05/12/2018County B Championship02:19.628
800m Run12/05/2017MCPS Meet #102:20.5252
Discus04/04/2018Whitman, Wootton at RM057-078
Mile Run01/26/2019Last Track to Philly04:57.038
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
10/15/2019Boys XC County Championship Projections
10/21/2018Boys XC County Championship Projections
10/17/2017Boys XC County Championship Projections

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