
Amelia Burkhard
Walter Johnson
Class of 2022 (Update)
1600m Run05/11/2019Montgomery County B Meet05:51.67
1600m Run04/16/2019Wootton, Whitman at WJ06:03.6813
1600m Run03/26/2019Churchill, BCC at WJ06:16.411
1600m Run04/03/2019WJ at R. Montgomery06:16.64
2.5 Mile XC10/12/2019Manhattan Invitational16:58.12
2.5 Mile XC10/13/2018Manhattan Invitational17:34.617
3 Mile XC11/09/20194A State Championship21:34.5980
3200m Run05/11/2019Montgomery County B Meet12:59.04
3200m Run03/26/2019Churchill, BCC at WJ13:28.88
3200m Run04/13/2019Viking Invitational13:30.4610
5000m XC10/19/2019Montgomery Co. Championship21:0445
5000m XC10/05/2019Great American XC Fest21:29.117
5000m XC10/31/20194A West Regional22:06.3032
5000m XC09/14/2019Oatlands Invitational22:49183
5000m XC09/17/2019Sherwood at Walter Johnson 22:55.609
5000m XC10/02/2018Wootton, Blair at WJ23:27.2727
5000m XC09/10/2019B-CC at Walter Johnson 23:29.9716
5000m XC09/12/2018B-CC at WJ23:59.8123
5000m XC09/29/2018DCXC Invitational24:0835
5000m XC09/28/2019DCXC Invitational24:1046
5000m XC10/06/2018Wolverine Run24:10.002
5000m XC09/25/2019Wootton, WJ at Whitman 24:58.3132
5000m XC10/01/2019Walter Johnson at Northwood 25:25.0013
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
11/03/2021County Meet Superlatives and Rarities
10/25/2021County Championship Projections - Girls
10/15/2019Girls XC County Championship Projections

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