
Laura Koye
Bethesda Chevy Chase
Class of 2018 (Update)
1600m Racewalk04/09/2016Woodward Relays09:48.171
1600m Run12/05/2017MCPS Meet #105:43.8912
1600m Run02/09/20174A West Regional05:46.0415
1600m Run01/21/2017Last Track to Philly05:53.7914
1600m Run12/27/2016MCPS Meet #306:00.5115
1600m Run03/28/2017B-CC, Wootton at WJ06:01.1013
1600m Run05/13/2017MCPS B Championship06:03.1212
1600m Run04/21/2018B-CC at Richard Montgomery06:04.23
1600m Run02/08/20184A West Regional06:05.2315
1600m Run04/11/2018B-CC, Whitman at Churchill06:13.114
1600m Run03/24/2015RM, Wootton at BCC06:17.110
1600m Run04/04/2017B-CC at Richard Montgomery 06:19.012
1600m Run03/22/2016B-CC, Churchill at WJ06:26.4622
1600m Run04/19/2017B-CC at Churchill 06:33.6021
3 Mile XC11/11/20174A State Championship20:33.5027
3200m Run12/06/2016MCPS Meet #213:11.6716
3200m Run12/26/2017MCPS Meet #313:14.167
3200m Run03/28/2017B-CC, Wootton at WJ13:26.0012
3200m Run12/30/2014MCPS Meet #314:04.0525
400m Dash04/19/2016R. Montgomery at B-CC73.716
400m Dash05/14/2016Montgomery Co B Meet74.0045
400m Dash04/12/2016B-CC, Wootton at Whitman76.8922
5000m XC10/21/2017Montgomery Co. Championship20:13.8031
5000m XC09/23/2017DCXC Invitational21:1228
5000m XC11/26/2016NXN Southeast Regional21:35.6227
5000m XC09/19/2017Northwest, Blair at B-CC21:35.97
5000m XC09/17/2016Adidas XC Challenge21:48.021
5000m XC10/22/2016Montgomery Co. Championship21:52.794
5000m XC11/02/20174A West Regional21:58.0030
5000m XC10/07/2014B-CC at Poolesville22:1314
5000m XC10/08/2016Glory Days Invitational22:3988
5000m XC10/03/2017B-CC, WW, WC at Landon22:46.9013
5000m XC10/05/2016B-CC, Churchill, St. A at Landon22:52.407
5000m XC09/20/2016Walter Johnson RM at B-CC23:05.0931
5000m XC09/16/2017Oatlands Invitational23:10197
5000m XC09/10/2014Whitman at B-CC23:25.921
5000m XC09/14/20167-Team Meet at Landon23:27.0421
5000m XC09/23/2014Woot, B-CC, HA at Landon23:33.6616
5000m XC10/11/2014Glory Days Invitational23:3562
5000m XC09/27/2014DC XC Invitational23:4756
5000m XC09/27/2016B-CC at Quince Orchard24:07.112
5000m XC09/16/2014B-CC, RM at WJ24:23.858
5000m XC10/18/2014Montgomery Co. Championship25:5373
5000m XC11/22/2014Battle of the Potomac26:5046
800m Run12/27/2016MCPS Meet #302:48.2825
800m Run04/21/2018B-CC at Richard Montgomery02:48.910
800m Run04/04/2017B-CC at Richard Montgomery 02:52.015
800m Run04/12/2016B-CC, Wootton at Whitman02:52.4019
800m Run05/14/2016Montgomery Co B Meet02:53.4032
800m Run03/24/2015RM, Wootton at BCC02:56.715
Mile Run01/20/2018Last Track to Philly05:55.3510
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
11/20/2018NXR Girls Ten Year Summary
10/17/2017Girls XC County Championship Projections

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