
Connor O'brien
Richard Montgomery
Class of 2019 (Update)
1600m Run05/17/20184A West Regional04:50.0019
1600m Run05/05/2018Katie Jenkins Invitational04:51.959
1600m Run04/21/2018B-CC at Richard Montgomery04:56.84
1600m Run04/18/2018Churchill at R. Montgomery04:57.56
1600m Run03/26/2019RM at Wootton04:58.478
1600m Run12/13/2018MCPS Meet #204:59.1215
1600m Run01/16/2019Montgomery Co. Championship05:00.1621
1600m Run03/21/2017RM WJ at Churchill05:04.504
1600m Run04/10/2018RM at Walter Johnson05:04.804
1600m Run12/06/2016MCPS Meet #205:08.2530
1600m Run04/04/2017B-CC at Richard Montgomery 05:10.011
1600m Run12/26/2017MCPS Meet #305:10.2929
1600m Run04/03/2019WJ at R. Montgomery05:14.37
1600m Run04/05/2016Churchill, RM at Whitman05:14.9115
1600m Run05/14/2016Montgomery Co B Meet05:15.1052
1600m Run03/23/2019BCC, WW at RM05:16.816
1600m Run03/22/2016R. Montgomery at Wootton05:17.8716
1600m Run04/12/2016Walter Johnson at R. Montgomery05:21.0010
1600m Run04/19/2016R. Montgomery at B-CC05:24.419
3 Mile XC10/13/2018Frank Keyser Invitational16:47.546
3 Mile XC10/06/2015WJ at Richard Montgomery17:32.9111
3 Mile XC09/02/2017Interstate Classic17:41.216
3 Mile XC11/11/20174A State Championship18:15.7399
3 Mile XC11/10/2018Maryland State Championship18:32.85109
3 Mile XC09/01/2018Interstate Classic18:33.221
3 Mile XC09/09/2015Einstein at RM18:35.009
3 Mile XC09/03/2016Interstate Classic18:48.432
3 Mile XC09/13/2016Quince Orchard at RM18:5711
3 Mile XC11/14/2015MD State Championship19:12.72138
3 Mile XC11/12/2016Maryland State Championship19:19.53141
3200m Run05/17/20184A West Regional10:42.9615
3200m Run05/09/2018MCPS Championship10:46.4118
3200m Run05/13/2017MCPS B Championship10:55.4014
3200m Run05/06/2017Katie Jenkins Invitational10:59.479
3200m Run03/21/2017RM WJ at Churchill11:10.604
3200m Run03/26/2019RM at Wootton11:13.09
3200m Run12/06/2016MCPS Meet #211:13.7620
3200m Run04/03/2019WJ at R. Montgomery11:16.06
3200m Run05/14/2016Montgomery Co B Meet11:21.4019
3200m Run04/10/2018RM at Walter Johnson11:22.405
3200m Run04/16/2016Viking Invitational11:26.2921
3200m Run04/05/2016Churchill, RM at Whitman11:37.207
3200m Run04/12/2016Walter Johnson at R. Montgomery11:41.007
3200m Run04/19/2016R. Montgomery at B-CC11:42.57
3200m Run04/04/2017B-CC at Richard Montgomery 11:44.08
400m Dash03/22/2016R. Montgomery at Wootton66.6530
5000m XC10/06/2018Great American Invitational17:02.545
5000m XC10/21/2017Montgomery Co. Championship17:30.6072
5000m XC11/25/2017NXN Southeast Regional17:40.4132
5000m XC09/09/2017Track and Trail Invitaitonal17:45.911
5000m XC10/07/2017Great American XC Fest17:46.5166
5000m XC10/26/2015Montgomery Co. Championship17:50.592
5000m XC10/22/2016Montgomery Co. Championship18:05.0995
5000m XC11/24/2018NXN Southeast18:05.6227
5000m XC10/02/2018RM at B-CC18:07.417
5000m XC09/29/2018Carlisle Invitational18:14170
5000m XC09/29/2015RM Whitman at B-CC18:17.610
5000m XC09/26/2017Einstein and RM at WJ18:188
5000m XC11/05/20154A West Regional18:26.057
5000m XC10/27/2018Montgomery Co. Championship18:27102
5000m XC10/15/2015Coyote Run18:30.636
5000m XC09/20/2016Walter Johnson RM at B-CC18:42.420
5000m XC09/06/2017Poolesville, Paint Branch at RM18:4316
5000m XC09/16/2017Oatlands Invitational18:44193
5000m XC10/08/2016Glory Days Invitational18:46197
5000m XC09/17/2016Oatlands Invitational18:59249
5000m XC09/16/2015RM at Churchill19:03.7014
5000m XC09/05/2015Interstate Classic19:06.446
5000m XC09/12/2015Track and Trail Invitational19:09.858
5000m XC11/01/20184A West Regional19:13.6853
5000m XC11/03/20164A West Regional19:15.0285
5000m XC09/10/2016Track and Trail Invitational19:16.753
5000m XC09/19/2015Oatlands Invitational19:1767
5000m XC11/02/20174A West Regional19:17.8061
5000m XC09/12/2018RM at Wootton19:32.0010
5000m XC09/13/2017PB, RM at QO21:13.1024
800m Run04/18/2018Churchill at R. Montgomery02:18.111
800m Run04/21/2018B-CC at Richard Montgomery02:18.55
800m Run03/21/2017RM WJ at Churchill02:31.1028
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
11/20/2018NXR Boys Ten Year Summary
10/21/2018Boys XC County Championship Projections
10/17/2017Boys XC County Championship Projections
09/10/2017Track and Trail Invitational Recap

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